Keith Kirkwood is one of the most interesting people we know. His successes are expansive, from (MMA) Mixed Martial Arts Champion to Los Angeles-based film/TV producer, with his company Bio Pic Entertainment (biopicent.com). Keith, who’s 27, is one of those guys who, we like to say, “works hard and fights hard.” He recently did a fight tour around the world and came back to California with the championship belt. He has several film/TV projects in the works, and is an avid – and excellent – chef. He has been working with Big Back Grips for more than a year, hitting the Mr. Olympia, Branch Warren and Los Angeles FitExpo with us, as well as many events at Muscle Beach Venice. You can see some of Keith Kirkwood’s workout videos on his BBG video page. And he has lots of fans both in LA and around the world, and we finally had a chance to just sit down and talk for a few minutes.
BBG: Keith, you have a very varied background. Can you fill us in a bit: some of the places you’ve lived, work you’ve done, people you’ve worked with. Your life story in a paragraph?
Keith Kirkwood: I am originally from South Boston and then lived in Europe for a few years. After getting into the fightin business and making some money there, I invested in two professional basketball teams and the restoration of the famous “Webster Hall” Restaurant & Lounge. Now that I’m in LA, I’ve turned my attention to producing film/TV projects with my company Bio Pic Entertainment (Biopicent.com). We have some great films beginning production, including an Uma Thurman film, “Girl Soldier.” This is going to be a very exciting year.
BBG: You were a street fighter, MMA fighter. You’re not a huge guy, but a scrappy muscularity is easy to see. What is it you find appealing about being a fighter?
Keith Kirkwood: I’m not a huge guy but I’m not small either. I weigh 180Ibs., which I feel is the type of physique most people like, men and women. Being this weight allows me to be quick, but with still maintain one- punch knockout power. What’s appealing about fighting? That’s easy – knocking people out.
BBG: What are some of the highlights of your fight history. And, if you don’t mind, is there a lowlight as a fighter that was, say, instructional?
Keith Kirkwood: Highlights have been winning the MMA Grand Prix Championship. The lows are the mindset I get into before fights; you’re going into the match like you’re in jail and you’re fighting for your life. I don’t look at it like I’m fighting for money, but as if my life depends on winning.
BBG: Can you tell us about your most recent tour? Where did you go? Who did you fight, etc?
Keith Kirkwood: Yeah, I went to Europe to fight in a Grand Prix style fight format were you have to win in each fight to advance to the final round. If you win all your fights, you fight for belt which I did and won, with the Knockout resulting from elbows to my opponent’s fa