Milton Kotopoulos



BBG: Hi Milton. “Milton The Problem Kotopoulos” is your Facebook name. Are you really the problem or is it just a name, your version of The Situation? Because we don’t get the impression you’re much of a problem. You seem like a really nice guy.

MILTON: Hi Big Back Grips! I would say I am not a problem at all. I came up with it with one of my classmates. So I decided to put it on Facebook for a laugh. And yes, it was inspired by The Situation. I appreciate that, Thank you!

BBG: Now you also call yourself Monster Milton. We figure you’re being aspirational. Is it your goal to be “monster big”? How far do you plan to take this? What are your goals as a lifter?

MILTON: Monster Milton is my real nickname. I want to get as big as I can get naturally, which is definitely “monster big” to me. I have competed in two power lifting meets and I plan on doing some teen bodybuilding shows in the future. I just want to be the best lifter I can be, get as big and strong as I can, and improve myself physically and mentally. And overall, live a healthy lifestyle.


BBG: Like everybody else in this section of the website, you’re an actual user of Big Back Weight Lifting Grips. In fact, you just posted a video of heavy benching with Big Back Grips. What did you use before BBGs and why did you settle on BBGs? How do they help your workout?

MILTON: When I first started lifting I used weightlifting gloves and then I lost them and used nothing except for chalk on my big lifts for powerlifting. I love BBGs and can’t even feel the bar when I am using them and I have so much more control. I really feel like I am working the muscle a lot better with them. My gloves would always stink to and I would have to wash them all the time. I don’t have that problem with BBGs.

BBG: Ok, so, tell us a little about yourself: Your background, where you grew up, where do you go to school? What are your plans after high school?

MILTON: I am a chill, fun dude who loves professional wrestling, bodybuilding, and powerlifting. I grew up in the suburbs of Philadelphia. I go to MN high school. After high school I plan to go to college and powerlift there. And find a job.

BBG: What do you want to do professionally? Or is that still up in the air?

MILTON: Right now I am thinking either a personal trainer, nutritionist, or a sports medicine physician. My dream is to become a pro wrestler and do that for a living.


BBG: What brought you into the world of lifting and when?

MILTON: I was first introduced to lifting in pre-season wrestling workouts. I had always wanted to work out, and that gave me the chance to try it. I was pretty chubby kid so I wanted to change my physique. The first time a touched a barbell I knew it was for me, I loved it. I got a bench with weights for Christmas, stuck with it and eventually got a gym membership.

BBG: Did you play or excel at any sports?

MILTON: I wrestled for three years and played soccer growing up.

BBG: Where do you work out?

MILTON: I work out at a local gym called Sussex Fitness Center.

BBG: What are your biggest accomplishments in your workout history so far? Maximum lifts? Goals achieved?

MILTON: MY biggest goals achieved are breaking four Federation World Records in my two power lifting competitions in squat, bench, deadlift and total. My two best lifts are a 415lb deadlift and a 300lb bench press.