Big Back Grips’ 8th year supporting the Annual Muscle Beach Venice Christmas Toy Drive
We’re proud to work with Joe Wheatley Productions and event sponsor Quest Bars to support the Annual Toy Drive. Hundreds of toys are donated. The Big Back Lat Pulldown Contest provides the fun and entertainment while everyone waits for Santa to arrive. This year we had an awesome group of athletes participate!

Fitness professional Kini Kim glows with holiday spirit dressed in her Santa Suit at the Muscle Beach Venice Annual Toy Drive. Lorraine from Big Back Grips is on the right.

Meet the six men and women standing on the Winner’s Carpet for Lat Pulldown Contest. holding up their Big Back Grips with their Quest Bar’s VERY generous prize bags.

Robert is seated at the Lat Machine. He was our Men’s Competition Winner. Originally from Amityville, NY, Robert pulled 105 lbs for 50 Reps!! You can see the intensity on his face as Keith Kirkwood and Ben Garcia look on.

Honored to have Searcy M. Jackson III, retired from the United States Marines, at the lat machine to compete @musclebeachvenice Searcy has competed with us before. Today he pulled 85 lbs for 43 reps!

Stephanie showed awesome form at the lat machine @musclebeachvenice winning the Women’s Competition with 55 lbs for 50 reps! You can see the commitment in her face. That’s what makes a winner.

Bodybuilder and trainer Ben Garcia and special guest children’s issues advocate Keith Kirkwood cheer on our Women’s Winner Stephanie at the Lat Machine as she begins her pulldowns.
Robert was our Men’s Competition Winner at our Lat Machine. Originally from Amityville, NY, Robert pulled 105 lbs for 50 Reps!! Bodybuilder and trainer Ben Garcia from Big Back Grips stands behind him.
Stephanie showed awesome form on our lat machine @musclebeachvenice winning the Women’s Competition with 55 lbs for 50 reps!
Cem, originally from Turkey, is also known as @shreddeddietian He pulled 105 lbs for 45 reps at the Big Back Grips Lat Pulldown Contest.
Honored to have Searcy M. Jackson III, retired from the United States Marines, compete @musclebeachvenice Searcy has competed with us before. Today he pulled 85 lbs for 43 reps at our lat machine.
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