Eric Boneta, Big Back Grips Student Rep/Dealer, Puerto Rico
BBG: Ok, so, tell us a little about yourself: your name, background, where you grew up, where you went to school and for what. What do you do professionally? A mini-bio, if you will.
Eric.B: About me: My name is Eric Boneta and I was born in Brooklyn, New York. I was raised in Puerto Rico and right after finishing high school I joined the military. I did 12 years of service in the Army and the Air Force combined as a grunt.
After my contract with the Air Force ended I decided to take it easy and pursue my dream of becoming
A bodybuilder while going to college. Why Puerto Rico? Well, because paying 2,500 is better than paying up to 30,000 per semester. My major is in radiology and I’ve always liked the medical field. So basically I go to college and I train.
BBG: So you’re the top Big Back Grips student rep right now. Can you tell people how that came about and what it’s been like?
Interview Questions
Eric. B: Well, it all started at a local gym down here in Puerto Rico where I work out with my BBG’s and people were staring at them, I let them try them, talked a little about them, how to use them and how better than gloves and straps they are. At that time I had no clue they were not available in P.R. People starting to ask me; where to buy them and how I got them. So I decided to try with a 7 pack, got my BBG’s in the mail and minutes later they were sold. At this point I knew this was the way to get the money I needed for my BB contest. So I became a student rep and here I am.
BBG: When people ask you about the grips, what do you tell them?
Eric.B: Actually I don’t let people ask me. If I see people wearing gloves or using straps, I make them try my BBG’s so they can compare and see the big difference.
BBG: What did you use before BBGs and why did you settle on BBGs? How do they help your workout?
Eric.B: Before BBG’s I used gloves, then after going thru 5 or more pairs breaking in the middle of workouts I switched to straps. At first they worked fine but I started to get using lifting straps for workouts led to wrist pains due to a prior injury and the pulling and constriction of my wrist with the straps when lifting especially on dumbbell rows. Then one day in New York I met the guys from BBG at a demo and I bought a pair. Since then my wrist got stronger, pain free and I concentrate better on lifting heavy with a strict form. With BBG’s I get better workouts and greater gains.
BBG: Ok, so, tell us a little about yourself: your name, background, where you grew up, where you went to school and for what. What do you do professionally? A mini-bio, if you will.
Eric.B: About me: My name is Eric Boneta and I was born in Brooklyn, New York. I was raised in Puerto Rico and right after finishing high school I joined the military. I did 12 years of service in the Army and the Air Force combined as a grunt.
After my contract with the Air Force ended I decided to take it easy and pursue my dream of becoming
A bodybuilder while going to college. Why Puerto Rico? Well, because paying 2,500 is better than paying up to 30,000 per semester. My major is in radiology and I’ve always liked the medical field. So basically I go to college and I train.
BBG: Where do you work out?
Eric.B: Here in P.R. there are not many options like in the states, which I miss so much. So I have to settle with a public gym that some towns in P.R. have, luckily this one is only 10 min far, has good equipment, good selection of free weights but no A.C. But who needs air conditioning on pre contest. Plus I only pay 10 dollars a month.

BBG: Did you play or excel at any sports?
Eric.B: Ha-ha sports? Me? I was always too small and skinny so the only things I was interested in was playing electric guitar and skateboarding. On my deployment to Korea with the Army I decided to try snowboarding which I got really good at it, not like a pro but I have fun doing it. BTW, first day learning broke three ribs, and went next week at it. NO pain, no gain. Or if you didn’t break something you didn’t try hard enough.
BBG: What brought you into the world of lifting and when? What are your main goals in bodybuilding?
Eric.B: I started lifting weights when I was a teen; believe it or not it all begun with a copy of Charles Atlas book that my cousin gave me. Then I got my first plastic covered weight set and a Flex magazine with Lou Ferrigno on the cover. But I was not consistent or dedicated because of my teenage dream of being in a metal band. Now that I am more mature, I am more focused on my main goal of becoming a bodybuilder. Right now I am trying to go up on class weight hopefully next year I will compete at 185 lbs.
BBG: What are your biggest accomplishments in your workout history so far? : Titles, personal goals achieved, etc.
Eric.B: People always laughed at me because I was 115 lbs. and I wanted to be at least 150 lbs. So I would say my biggest accomplishment was getting to 165 lbs.
BBG: What is your workout schedule like?
Eric.B: I train 5 to 6 days week depending on college duties. Two body parts per day, 5 to 6 sets per exercise and I do 5 different exercises per body part. This is what works for me.
BBG: What about your diet?
Eric.B: Right now my diet is pretty strict and simple; I eat the same thing every day. I stick to oats, rice, chicken, tilapia, greens, protein shakes and lots of water. I do not deplete carbs — last time I did I lost lots of muscle mass.
BBG: What are your favorite exercises or body parts to work? What do you consider your best body part? Do have a body part that’s especially challenging to make headway on?
Eric.B: My favorite day at the gym is when I do arms and shoulders. Love to see them pumped and full of blood. I would say my best body part is my chest, always get compliments about it, and I would say that calves are the most challenging for me. Only the few gifted ones don’t have this problem.
BBG: If someone were going to work out with you, what are they in for, what’s your workout style?
What would you want from a partner?
Eric.B. Here is where military discipline comes in and the intensity goes up high volume, I don’t like waiting for people, I don’t like quitters, I hate people that don’t try hard, don’t like the chit chat. And don’t tell me something is too heavy or I can’t do it. I will slap you with my BBGs right in the back of your head. Just kidding. But I really workout full intensity, I take it seriously and I expect my workout partner to do the same.
BBG: Is there a workout that really stands out from the rest? A particularly amazing workout where you ended going further than you ever had?
Eric.B: Lifting heavy while doing high reps 20-25 for some body parts, it helped me a lot with my gains and vascularity.
BBG: What’s your advice to people just starting out?
Eric.B: To people starting out I would recommend learning how to read their body and read lots of books on bodybuilding and nutrition. Also not to pay much attention to what other people say at the gym –what might work for them may not work for you. It’s all about experimenting and trying new things till you find out what makes your bodies react better.
BBG: Finally, can you give us your workout for just one body part: back or legs, shoulders, chest or arms, even abs. Just pick your favorites.
Eric.B: Here it goes; Explosive Bicep Workout 5 for 5
5 for 5= 5 sets and 5 exercises
For this workout make sure to have a spotter, you will need him to finish your sets!
Standing DB Hammer 5 10-10-10-25-25
EZ Bar Preacher Curl 5 8-8-8-25-25
Incline Bench Alt DB Curl 5 8-8-8-20-20
Standing EZ Bar Curl 5 6-6-6-30-30
Standing Barbell Drag Curl 5 10-10-10- failure x2
For first three sets go from moderate heavy to very heavy, then for last two sets try using same weight as used on 2nd set. If you can’t do it, use same weight as 1st set, but don’t go any lighter. This is why you need the spotter, to make sure you finish without giving up. If for any reason you don’t have the condition to accomplish 20 reps or more on last 2 sets don’t go any lower than 15 reps. if you do so it won’t be the same. For this type of workout I usually take a good pre workout supplement plus I combine it with other body part. Have fun!!!