
The best lifting grip for CrossFit® and Weight Lifting.

Athlete and fitness model Jennifer England displays very simple but oh so effective Big Back Grips

Athlete and fitness model Jennifer England gets a better grip and great protection in CrossFit(R) with Big Back Grips.

Bodybuilders, powerlifters and now CrossFitters use simple, inexpensive Big Back Lifting Grips to protect their hands while getting a good solid bite on the whatever bar or handle they’re using. Many lifters have suffered bone and tissue damage from  using lifting straps. Lifting gloves provide padding, but start to smell after a while and don’t  grip at all – bare hands grab a metal bar more solidly.

The name Big Back Lifting Grips refers to how we give our users the ultimate back workout. But that’s not all we are used for. Some of our users hold us comfortably cupped in their hands for virtually their entire workout. We’re the perfect size and flexibility to  stay there almost by ourselves. And Big Back Lifting Grips are used to buffer and grip nearly every piece of metal, rubber or rope they grab. They use them to handle heavy plates, add some cushioning to Dip Handles and dumbbells. And to keep their hands planted firmly where they want it on a triceps rope.

"I don't want grip fatigue, I want lat fatigue."

Con Demetriou, IFBB Pro, executes a perfect pulldown with Big Back Grips.

Con Demetriou, IFBB Pro, executes a perfect pulldown with Big Back Grips.

Most back workouts die in your hands, not in your lats. Lats are pull muscles: they pull your upper arms into your torso. In back workouts, pulldowns, cable or T-bar rows, deadlifts, etc., your pull-muscle lats are bigger and stronger than the muscles running through your forearms and hands: the grab-and-hold muscles. Lacking the strength of your lats, your grip gives out first — your set is over before you fully work your back muscles.
Big Back Grips give you a better back workout because they let you work your back muscles SAFELY AND COMFORTABLY SO YOU CAN DO MORE REPS WITH BETTER FORM AND GET A BETTER PUMP. Without the pain and injuries that straps, hooks and similar devices may cause.

To CrossFitters, we say, Save the Palms!

Athlete and fitness model Jennifer England gets a better grip and great protection in CrossFit(R) with Big Back Grips.

Athlete and fitness Jennifer England performs perfect deadlifts with Big Back Grips.

We think CrossFit(R) is one of the best things to happen to fitness in 50 years. But hand protection in CrossFit is important. Injured hands like the one you see here are open to infection of all sorts. No wonder our CrossFit gym retailers go through more Big Back Grips than our lifting gyms do. More effective and comfortable dead lifts, chins and kettle bell work await with Big Back Grips.

No one was more surprised than us to find out how popular with CrossFit Big Back Lifting Grips are. The CrossFit gyms that carry Big Back Grips have all contacted us. Places like CrossFit Deefield Beach and CrossFit Onus Boca in Florida. And Citizen CrossFit and CrossFit Active Performance in Southern California. Or Body By Fitness in Bellrose, NY. And they are some of our most avid customers. Feel free to have your CrossFit gym contact us if you think we’d help save the palms for your CrossFit team!

We make even great handles better.

You will have a safer, stronger, more comfortable grip on just about any lat handle with Big Back Lifting Grips

You will have a safer, stronger, more comfortable grip on just about any lat handle with Big Back Lifting Grips

There are some beautifully designed handles out there. And we improve every one. Even the smoothest handle gets locked in your hand without the squeeze-it-to-death-grip that can cause long-term injury if done on a regular basis. Even the sharpest points on a knurled handle won’t bother you a bit. But you will have an even better grip on than the manufacturers were hoping. On a triceps rope, grab anywhere and your hands will stay put instead of sliding down.

Has your gym banned chalk? You'll thank them one day.

We are proud to sponsor Lifters for Christ, a powerlifting that takes their lifting seriously. Shortly after their gym banned chalk, they discovered Big Back Grips during our Lat Pull Contest the Muscle Beach Venice Christmas Toy Drive, which we sponsor. Now, they wouldn’t go back to chalk even if their gym let them.

Powerlifting team Lifters for Christ started using Big Back Grips when their gym banned chalk.

Powerlifting team Lifters for Christ started using Big Back Grips when their gym banned chalk.

And let’s face it. Chalk is nobody’s friend! It has its advantages. But chalk sucks the life out of your skin. As the chalk drys out the skin on your hands, it rips open more readily, providing entry points for whatever dirt, sweat, bacteria and viruses lurk around gyms — on the handles. On the ropes. You want to do everything you can to keep your skin intact. And keep what belongs in, in. And keep what belongs out, out.

And the difference between lifting chalk and Big Back Lifting Grips is simple: We give you a better grip and protect your hands from whatever your grabbing. Chalk may help you grip, but it protects  your hands from nothing. And then the chalk itself can an negative effect on your hands, in addition to whatever the ropes and handles are doing. And that includes chalk that comes in liquid form. Chalk is chalk, and chalk and your skin will never be friends. Big Back Grips is a friend to your you, your workouts, and your skin!